Continuous Ongoing Charity

O gatherer of wealth, seeking to achieve victory by it
Everything that you have consumed
and that which has gone forward is for the scales
Don’t be like the one who says when his death approaches
‘A third of my wealth is for those short of money’

(Imam al-Shafi i)

Dana Wakaf Ilmu

Dana Wakaf Ilmu (DWI) which is under the custodian of UniKL MESTECH collaborates with YAYASAN UNIKL on Waqf matters which serves the objects of the yayasan.


The objectives of DWI are;

  • Provide continuous information on DWI to UniKL and the general public
  • Organize activities to raise awareness of DWI projects
  • Manage the waqf funds

Project 1

Project 2

Project 3

Special Projects

Making an impact through continuous, ongoing charity

The Pillars of an Endowment
The pillars of an endowment are four : the endower, the beneficiary of the endowment, the dedicated article, and the form

The Conditions of an Endowment
The Conditions of the endower are two : free choice and full competence donate whilst alive

The Conditions of the Beneficiary of the Endowment
The Conditions of the Beneficiary of the Endowment are two : that is not be disobedience and that it be possible to take possession if it is a specific item.

The Conditions of the Dedicated Article
The conditions of the dedicated article are eight : that it be a particular article, that it be specified, that it be owned, that it be transferrable, that it be beneficial, that its benefit does not necessitate the elimination of the article itself, that it be permissible and that it be used for its intended purpose.

The Conditions of the Form of the Endowment
The conditions of the form of the endowment are five : an expression that imparts what is meant, permanence, implementation, an obvious recipients and adherence.

Lets do WAQF

For those who would like to contribute to the DWI waqf, a salary deduction form is attached for your kind action. Please submit the salary deduction form to respective PMTCU (Campuses) or GPMTC (Chancellery) rajafarah@unikl.edu.my / noorain@unikl.edu.my.


Prof. Dr. Mr. Sir.


Prof. Dr. Mr. Sir.


Prof. Dr. Mr. Sir.



UniKL Mestech

PIC 1 : Name


PIC 2 : Name

Let’s Be the Change